Saturday, September 13, 2008

US Presidential campaign and elections

I became a fan of Barack Obama when he first announced his decision to run for US President. I was ecstatic that an African-American can now run for US President even if his political experience is very minimal.

His platform was CHANGE.

I was one of the people; for lack of a better word; mesmerized everytime he came on stage to speak or to give a speech.

Recently, I have been having second thoughts as to his REAL abilities to run a country as dynamic as the US, if and when he gets elected.

This all started over a few beers a few months back when I was discussing with some friends together with my AIM professor/guru Maya about Obama. She told me to "listen and comprehend" NOT just to listen to Obama's speeches.

As I started to "listen and comprehend" Obama's speeches; I have come to realize that there is not much substance in what he's saying. He only keeps going on and on about CHANGE and GENUINE CHANGE.

He has not spoken about almost anything that he wants changed. Maybe he did; but very minimal in my opinion.

He has NOT spoken anything about what he will do to the US economy in general or in detail. I'd even settle for general sweeping statements from him. But I'm not hearing this.

US economy is important because almost everyone gets affected if the US economy is booming or in recession.

I even saw Michael Moore (the controversial director of Fahrenheit 911 and a staunch Obama supporter/campaigner) being interviewed on Larry King Live a few weeks ago.... comparing the US to a broken car.... if you have been fixing your broken car with the same wrench for the past 8 years; it's about time to drop that wrench and pick up another wrench. The new wrench might not be the best wrench for the job; but the least you can do is to try out the new wrench....

Obama and the Democrats are just banking on US citizens FRUSTRATIONS with George W. Bush and the Republicans; nothing more. This is what they mean by CHANGE....GENUINE CHANGE?!?! change your frustrations?!?!

And since Obama has the greatest mass appeal to the younger generation compared to the 72 years young of John McCain; guess who the younger generation of liberal-minded Americans are supporting?

sigh....deep deep sigh....

1 comment:

Lourdes Villanueva said...

Hi Arg. :) You already know what i think about this campaign kaya all i will say now is... Welcome to the blogging world! :p